Preparation can help you transition to caregiving.
Preparation can help you transition to caregiving.
Preparation can help you transition to caregiving La preparación ayuda en la transición a ser cuidador de familia
Preparation can help you transition to caregiving              La preparación ayuda en la transición a ser cuidador de familia

Caregiver Guides

This page offers links and telephone numbers to websites that offer guides for family caregivers who care for a family member with a specific illness.  These sites offer information in English and Spanish.

Alzheimer's Association

Offers practical advice about how to care for your loved one at home and how to maintain your well-being as a caregiver. 

For more information, click here.  

Help Line: 1-800-272-39001-800-272-3900 FREE 24/7


American Cancer Society® (ACS)

Provides information for caregivers of patients with cancer and specific information for all types of cancer.

For more information, click here.  

1-800-ACS-23451-800-ACS-2345 FREE 


Caregivers' Resource Library provides families with the necessary information and support to care for their parents, spouses or other elderly loved ones. To download various e-books and guides, click here.


National Cancer Institute

Provides information to help caregivers cope while caring for a loved one with cancer, as well as help someone with cancer cope with the illness.

For more information, click here.  

1-800-4-CANCER1-800-4-CANCER FREE 


Next Step in Care

Offers information and advice to help family caregivers and health care providers plan safe and smooth transitions for patients.

For more information, click here



Palliative Care

A booklet with the relief you need when you’re experiencing the symptoms of serious illness.  Click here


Parkinson's Disease Foundation

Provides caregiving and family support through educational programs and support services.

For more information, click here.  

1-800-457-66761-800-457-6676 FREE 


Video Assistance

Offers various videos to assist caregivers.

For more information, click here



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