Visualize a relaxing scene. Close your eyes and think about a peaceful, relaxing place you visited in the past or a place that makes you feel good. Some examples include the beach, an island, a sunset, a vacation place or a park in your old neighborhood. Add ten deep breathes and you will feel your body relax. You can do this anytime. Click here for a collection of scenic photos for relaxation.
Read a good book or magazine. Ask friends or family for a suggestion of a good book to read or talk to your local librarian about your interests so they may help you find a good book. Audio books are a good alternative if reading is difficult. Watching a good movie is another alternative. There are many book and movie options. Click here for Time Magazine’s Most Anticipated Books for 2017.
Listen to soothing music. The music we remember the most is the music we heard as young adults such as oldies but goodies. If the music moves you, try dancing or clapping. Music can also be healing so let the tears flow naturally to release emotions. Other examples include classical music, chamber music, Gregorian chant or nature sounds like rainfall, birds chirping, ocean waves or whale songs. Click here for peaceful and relaxing music.
Think positively. Sometimes there is a silver lining behind a dark cloud. Try to look for the glass half full situations rather than half empty. The world is made up of optimists and pessimists. The difference can impact your health. ‘Can do’ attitudes go a long way further. It is not always easy, but we can try. Sometimes a good cry is needed before we can feel better again. Give yourself time to get back on track. Click here for the Mayo clinic’s ways to think positive to reduce stress.
Talk with a friend or visit a therapist. We may not be able to get away for a visit, but friends may be willing to stop by for a visit. Other ways to talk with friends is using technology such as Skype or Facetime. Contact your doctor’s office or your health insurance company and ask for how to find a therapist that can help with coping and other challenges you may be facing. Talking about how you feel or venting is very useful. Click here for the American Psychological Association’s guide on how to Choose a Psychologist.
Try to Be Happy. Sometimes or often, it can be difficult to be happy. Things may be going well and then a problem gets us down. Sometimes things happen one thing after another and it seems unbelievable and you cannot seem to get a break. Say to yourself, “this too shall pass” as most things do. Click here to read CNN’s History's great thinkers tell you how to get happy.
If you have a life threatening situation, call 9-1-1 immediately or go to the nearest Hospital Emergency Department. This can save your life.
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